The Columbus Way

Columbus - a Special Place

My family’s journey to Columbus started in late 2002. We were living in Germany and I was on a business trip to find a Midwestern city for a factory for the Swiss based Georg Utz Group. A week into the trip I was getting a bit concerned about finding a city that would both work for the factory and my family. Having seen “this famous architecture city” online, I headed to Columbus for the weekend. That Sunday, halfway through the architectural tour, I was sure we had found the right location for both the factory and my family. As they say, the rest is history.

Firm believer

I am running for Council because I am a firm believer in Columbus. Columbus is a city with a tradition of proactively working towards excellence to attract world class employers and be a great place to work and live. The City of Columbus has shown strong fiscal discipline, which enables the city to undertake key projects such as the Commons and Nexus Park. These are projects that have kept Columbus on the leading edge of quality of place and thus economically competitive.

Service calls

Should I be elected, I will humbly work to fill the large shoes left behind by Tim Shuffett. My approach will be very similar to his. My priorities as a member of the City Council would be serving as a voice for our first responders on City Council, supporting economic development, and infrastructure.

First Responders

I served with many first responders while in the National Guard and during that time developed a very deep respect for the breadth of technical, leadership, and people skills they possess. We are safe in our community because of our first responders amazing talents and work. It is important that they have the equipment and training they need to be on the leading edge. To attract the best and brightest, Columbus needs to be the employer of choice.

Economic Development

Decades ago, the leadership of Columbus identified the overdependence of the city upon a small concentration of very large employers. Under the leadership of the Economic Development Board, the city embarked upon a mission to attract new employers to broaden the employment base of Columbus. As the world shifts from internal combustion engines and our energy mix shifts, once again our city faces change with large implications for our employer base. As your City Council representative, I will serve as a strong supporter for city economic development and the Economic Development Board.


We are fortunate to have great infrastructure in Columbus that is well managed and maintained. City infrastructure includes streets, trails, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, traffic signals, and more. Supporting this is a web of federal, state, and local funding; each with its own unique set of rules. I have a strong understanding of these issues from my time working at City Hall under Mayor Armstrong. As your City Councilman, I will work to support continued excellence in infrastructure.